Please provide a summary of the key features and processes outlined in [ as they relate to the recruitment and hiring workflow, including any steps for verifying candidate information, communicating with candidates, finalizing job offers, and integrating new employees.


/processApplications Réception et tri des candidatures

La réception et le tri des candidatures sont des phases clés du processus de recrutement, permettant une gestion organisée et efficace des candidats. L'utilisation d'un système de gestion des candidatures (ATS) joue un rôle crucial en facilitant le triage automatique et manuel, tout en améliorant l'expérience des candidats. Cette étape assure une sélection rigoureuse et équitable, aidant les entreprises à identifier rapidement les profils les plus prometteurs pour le poste à pourvoir.



Implementing a structured approach to application processing ensures an efficient, fair, and transparent selection process. By leveraging technology and strategic communication, companies can enhance the candidate experience, streamline recruitment operations, and improve the overall quality of hires.

/processApplications --selectATS "research and compare ATS options, evaluate fit, acquire chosen ATS" --configureATS "set up filters and sorting criteria, test configurations" --receiveApplications "establish collection channels, ensure ATS correctly gathers applications" --sendAcknowledgements "automate confirmation messages through ATS" --filterApplications "automatically discard applications not meeting minimum requirements" --reviewFilteredApplications "manually assess candidate profiles against job needs" --categorizeApplications "sort into 'To evaluate', 'Potential for other positions', and 'Not selected'" --communicateWithCandidates "notify unsuccessful applicants, schedule interviews for selected candidates" --updateApplicationStatus "regularly refresh each candidate's status in the ATS" --analyzeATSData "review sourcing effectiveness, use insights for recruitment improvement"

/validateRequirement Validation du Besoin avec l'Entreprise

/validateRequirement --preparePresentation "prepare a detailed presentation including job description and ideal candidate profile" --organizeMeeting "organize a meeting with the company's key decision-makers" --presentDetails "present job description and ideal candidate profile during the meeting" --discussFeedback "discuss proposed adjustments based on feedback" --finalize "finalize job description and candidate profile" --sendFinal "send the final version for company validation" --obtainApproval "obtain final approval to start the recruitment process"

Objective: This step allows for necessary adjustments and ensures a clear understanding of the company's expectations. Validating the requirement is crucial for mutual understanding and aligns the recruitment agency's efforts with the company's strategic objectives, thereby increasing the recruitment success chances.

/planRecruitmentStrategy Planification de la Stratégie de Recrutement

/planRecruitmentStrategy --validateNeed "validate recruitment need" --selectChannels "select appropriate recruitment channels" --defineSelectionSteps "define the steps of the selection process" --planTimelines "plan timelines for each recruitment stage" --developValueProposition "develop candidate value proposition" --implementTracking "install a candidate tracking system" --prepareCommunicationMaterials "prepare communication materials" --trainRecruitmentTeam "train the recruitment team if necessary" --launchCampaign "launch the recruitment campaign"

Objective: Planning the recruitment strategy is a critical step that outlines how the company and the recruitment agency will approach the search and selection of candidates. This includes validating the need for recruitment, selecting the right channels for reaching out to potential candidates, defining the selection process steps, planning the timelines for each recruitment stage, developing a compelling value proposition for candidates, implementing a tracking system for applications, preparing communication materials, training the recruitment team, and finally launching the recruitment campaign. This structured approach ensures a comprehensive and effective recruitment process, aligned with the company's strategic goals and designed to attract quality candidates.

/writeJobOffer Rédaction de l'Offre d'Emploi

/writeJobOffer --meetings "organize meetings with managers and HR teams" --jobAnalysis "conduct a thorough job analysis" --chooseTitle "choose a precise job title" --draftResponsibilities "draft a clear description of job responsibilities" --identifySkills "identify necessary skills and qualifications" --defineExperience "define required professional experience" --highlightCulture "highlight the company culture and values" --describeBenefits "describe company benefits" --emphasizeCareerProspects "emphasize professional growth prospects within the company" --useInclusiveLanguage "use inclusive and engaging language" --ensureClarity "ensure clarity and conciseness" --internalFeedback "submit the offer for internal stakeholder feedback" --selectPlatforms "identify appropriate recruitment platforms" --publish "publish the offer on selected channels" --setupTracking "set up a system to track applications"